Woolston Infant School
Curriculum Vision: PSHE
At Woolston Infant School we aim to enable the social, moral, spiritual and cultural development of children through day to day teaching of aspects of Personal, Social, Health and Economic education in all areas of life of the school.
We cover the three core themes of Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World through teaching that has been sensitively and inclusively tailored for each year group as well as through daily wider work of our school e.g. assemblies, our learning about ‘The Golden Rules’, about our school values which encompass the British Values and whole school and year group memorable learning experiences.
With respect to the children’s and parents’ backgrounds and beliefs, we teach them about safeguarding, including the online safety, relationships, as well as the concepts, skills and attitudes needed to enjoy and manage their lives now and in the future. We strive to prepare children for challenges and opportunities of adult life by building their confidence, resilience and empathy, by helping them to identify and manage risks and emotions, to make informed choices and communicate, to work with others and to form and maintain good relationships.